  • 17 April 2024
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Dr. Kadek Wara Urwasi's Dissertation Successfully Defended with Honors


Jakarta, April 17, 2023 - The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (ISRSF) extends heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Wara Urwasi for the successful defense of her dissertation in sociology at Northwestern University. Her thesis, titled "Interests, Power, and Ideas: The Politics of Urban Informality Governance in Jakarta, 1945-2022," was passed "as is" with no required revisions, a rare achievement in academia.

Dr. Urwasi's dissertation received exceptional praise from her committee, with Dr. Mary Pattillo, Professor of Sociology and Chair of the Department of African American Studies, expressed admiration for the study and plans to nominate Dr. Urwasi's work for the prestigious American Sociology Association's Best Dissertation Award, recognizing its scholarly significance and contribution to the field.
Furthermore, Dr. Urwasi's dissertation committee unanimously agreed that her work deserved "Distinction," a distinction not yet available in the sociology department at Northwestern. However, her outstanding research has prompted the committee chair to propose a policy change to allow for such recognition in the future, underscoring the remarkable impact of Dr. Urwasi's scholarship.
In light of this remarkable achievement, Irfan Hutagalung, Director of ISRSF, expressed his admiration, stating, "We are immensely proud of Dr. Urwasi's accomplishments and the recognition her work has received. Her dedication to scholarship and groundbreaking research exemplifies the spirit of academic excellence that ISRSF strives to foster. We congratulate Dr. Urwasi on this well-deserved honor and look forward to witnessing her continued success in academia."
Dr. Urwasi's achievement is not only a testament to her scholarly prowess but also a source of inspiration for aspiring researchers and academics in Indonesia and beyond. Her groundbreaking research sheds light on critical issues and contributes significantly to our understanding of urban politics and poverty governance. ISRSF commends Dr. Urwasi for her outstanding accomplishment and wishes her continued success in her academic journey.