Arryman Accomplishments

Luthfi Adam
  • Distinction for the doctoral thesis entitled, “Cultivating Power: Buitenzorg Botanic Garden and Empire-Building in the Netherlands East Indies, 1745-1917,” May 2020.
  • The 2020 Harold Perkin Prize for the Best Dissertation in the Department of History, Northwestern University ($2,500).
  • Panel accepted for the 2019 Association for Asian Studies Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Kadek Wara Urwasi
  • The Maurice J. and Fay B. Karpf Peace Prize by the Department of Sociology, Northwestern University ($5,500), for research on the role of collective memory and informal institutions in spatial reconstruction and peace-building efforts in Ambon, Indonesia.
  • 2021-2022 Northwestern Buffett Institute Global Impacts Graduate Fellowship.
  • External Education Training Grant, Department of Sociology, Northwestern University.
Dr. Rahardhika Utama
  • Awarded the 2024, Theda Skocpol Best Dissertation Award from the American Sociological Association (ASA) for his dissertation titled, "Embedded Peasantry and Economic Transformation in the Asian Rubber Belt."  
  • Awarded the 2021 Hayward R. Alker Best Student Paper Award for his paper titled, "Politics of Memory, Underdevelopment, and Remnants of Political Violence in the Sumatra Rubber Belt" from the Interpretive Methodologies and Methods group at the American Political Science Association (APSA). The Hayward R. Alker award recognizes the APSA conference paper by a Ph.D. student that best demonstrates the uses of interpretive methodologies and methods for the study of the politics.
  • 2021 Southeast Asia Research Group (SEAREG) Fellowship.
  • 2021 Graduate Student Council Representative for Section on Sociology of Development, American Sociological Association.
  • Honorable Mention (2nd Place) from the ASA Sociology of Development Graduate Paper Award. This award is for dissertation chapter draft titled "Embedded Peasantry: Path-Dependence and Economic Transformation in Indonesia and Malaysia."
Sari Damar Ratri
  • 2021-2022 Northwestern Buffett Institute Global Impacts Graduate Fellowship.
  • The Wenner-Gren Foundation Grant ($20,000) for dissertation fieldwork on the project entitled, “Nourishing the Future: The Roles of Midwives in Indonesia’s Changing Health Development Policies.”  The Wenner-Gren Foundation supports significant and innovative anthropological research into humanity’s biological and cultural origins, development, and variation.
  • Northwestern University Graduate School Language Grant.
  • Buffett Summer Research Grant, Buffett Institute for Global Affairs, Northwestern University.
  • FAN-Foster Research Grant, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University.
  • American Indonesian Cultural and Educational Foundation (AICEF) 2020 Travel Research Grant ($3,000).
Sofyan Ansori
  • Ansori, S. (2021). “The Politics of Forest Fires in Southeast Asia.” Contemporary Southeast Asia. Vol. 43 No.1, 179-202.

  • Goldstein, J. E., Graham, L., Ansori, S., Vetrita, Y., Thomas, A., Applegate, G., Vayda, A. P., Saharjo, B. & Cochrane, M. A. (2020). “Beyond slash-and-burn: The roles of human activities, altered hydrology and fuels in peat fires in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 41(2), 190-208.
  • American Indonesian Cultural and Educational Foundation (AICEF) Research Travel Grant ($3,000).
  • Asian Studies Graduate Cluster Grant ($750).
  • FAN-Foster Research Grant, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University.
  • Best Overall Paper in 2020 from the Journal of Tropical Geography (Singapore).
  • Organized the 2020-21 EDGS Graduate Lecture Series on Politcal Ecology.
  • Ansori, S. 2019. “The Fingertips of Government: Forest Fires and the Shifting Allegiance of Indonesia’s State Officials,” Indonesia No. 108, pp. 41-64, Cornell University Press, Southeast Asia Program.
Febi Rizki Ramadhan
  • Co-winner, Society for the Anthropology of Religion's 2021 Graduate Student Paper Prize.
  • The Sexualities Project at Northwestern (SPAN) Conference Travel Support Grant, Northwestern University ($750).
  •  The Sexualities Project at Northwestern (SPAN) Summer Research Grant, Northwestern University ($2,500).
  • Conference Travel Grant, the Graduate School, Northwestern University ($600).
  • Lobban Award for Early Graduate Research, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University ($1,000).
  • FAN-Foster Research Grant, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University ($500).
Atmaezer H. Simanjutantak
  • Erwinsyah, R.G., Simanjuntak, A. (May - August 2021). "Smallholders' Welfare and Food Security in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic: a Critical Review of Indonesia's Mega Food Estates Plan,” Sosio-Informa Vol. 6, No. 2.
  • Simanjuntak, A. (2021). "Merawat Hidup, Membangun Harapan: Kolaborasi Multispesies di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit,” Merengkuh Sauh, Berlayar Jauh: Diskursus Kebaruan Antropologi di Indonesia, ed. Realissa Masardi and Khidir Marsanto.
  • FAN-Foster Research Grant, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University ($1,500).
  • Northwestern University Graduate School Summer Language Grant ($1,500).
  • Organized the 2020-21 EDGS Graduate Lecture Series on Politcal Ecology.
Aulia Dwi Nastiti
  • Nastiti, Aulia. 2021. “Dijamin Regulasi, Dikontrol Aplikasi: Keterbatasan Kebijakan Transportasi dalam Melindungi Kerja Pengemudi Gig di Indonesia,” dalam Menyoal Kerja Layak dan Adil dalam Ekonomi Gig di Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada Press.
  • APSA Asia Alumni Fieldwork Grant, American Political Science Association.
  • American Indonesian Cultural and Educational Foundation (AICEF) Research Travel Grant ($3,000).
  • Buffett Summer Research Grant, Buffett Institute for Global Affairs, Northwestern University.
  • Minar Memorial Summer Research Award, Department of Political Science, Northwestern University.
Eunike Setiadarma
  • Asian Studies Graduate Cluster Grant.
  • Co-winner of 2020 Romani Prize for the Best Research Paper by a First-Year History Graduate Student.
Bahram Naderil
  • The Sexualities Project at Northwestern (SPAN) Reading Group Research Grant, Northwestern University.
  • Northwestern University Graduate School Language Grant.
  • Buffett Summer Research Grant, Buffett Institute for Global Affairs, Northwestern University.
  • Runner-up for the Graduate Student Paper Prize Competition, Society of the Anthropology of Religion (SAR).
Amrina Rosyada
  • Rosyada, A. 2021. “The Complete Lives of Camp People: Colonialism, Fascism, Concentrated Modernity, by Rudolf Mrázek.” Bijdragen tot de Land-, Taal- en Volkenkunde/Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 177: 4, p. 579-581.
  • Rosyada, A. 2021. “Book Review: Demanding Images: Democracy, Mediation, and the Image-Event in Indonesia.” Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, July 2021.
  • Lobban Award for Early Graduate Research, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University ($1,000).
Gde Dwitya Arief Metera
  • Guest lecturer at the American Studies program, Universitas Gadjah Mada, (August 2021-).
  • Defended his doctoral thesis, “Coercion in Search of Legitimacy: The Secular State, Religious Politics, and Religious Coercion in Indonesia Under the New Order, 1967-1998.
Dr. Muhammad Fajar
  • Defended doctoral thesis and passed, “The Path to Preemption: The Politics of the Indonesian Student Movements during the Regime Transition, 1998-1999”, May 2020.
Mirna Nadia
  • The Sexualities Project at Northwestern (SPAN) Conference Travel Support Grant, Northwestern University.
  • 2020-2021 SEAREG Pre-Dissertation Fellowship, the Southeast Asia Research Group ($2,000).
Norman Joshua Soelias
  • Distinction on the Major Field Examination in Modern Southeast Asian History.
  • American Indonesian Cultural and Educational Foundation (AICEF) 2019 Research Grant ($3,000).
Perdana Putri
  • Summer Research Grant, Department of Sociology, Northwestern University.
  • Kellogg Dispute Resolution Research Center Grant for Second-Year Research Paper ($4,038).
Sabina Satriyani Puspita