ISRSF and Ministry of Higher Education, Scien...
15 February 2025
During October and November, ISRSF were intensively distributed information regarding the ISRSF Essay Competition in Social Media & Universities. Essay Competition is one of our strategy in order to search very bright and talented students for the 2016 Arryman Fellowship.
We are interested in students having passions to study social issues such as poverties, economy inequality, corruptions, justices, tolerances and developments. Essentially those students who truly want to become world class researchers and scholars.
In 2016, the ISRSF plans to recruit 6 (six) Arryman Fellowship and we are expecting more women to become our Fellows.
Accordingly we frequently visit events held by Women Foundations for having meetings and interactions with the women prospective candidates. Also we visit some Private and Government Universities in Jakarta to meet and interact with bright students.
Bear in mind that our Essay Competitions will be closed on November 30, 2015, so could you please send the best essay of yours to compete with others to get the CASH PRIZES!