Application Form Instructions

(Please Read All of These Instructions Carefully)

Important Note: You must complete the application form in a single session. There is no login or “save” function. You can click and view the form at any time. But if you start to fill in the form but do not finish by hitting SUBMIT, you will have to start again.

Your application is complete and final only when you click the SUBMIT button at the end of the form. Do this only once after you have verified that your application is complete. Fill in all areas for which you have materials or information. Required information is marked by an (*) sign. You cannot SUBMIT if these areas are empty.

If you need to contact ISRSF regarding your application, you may do so by email at:


For this application, we need two kinds of information from you:

  1. Data you enter manually.
  2. Documents that you will upload.

The checklist below includes all the information you will need to get in advance before you start the application form. It also includes a list of documents you must have ready to upload. These must be prepared, scanned, or written in advance.

Start the application form only after you have all the information ready on the checklist.

  1. Data or information you will need to fill in:
    1. Passport number and expiration date (OK if you don’t have one yet)
    2. NIK Number
    3. Email address of your current supervisor or employer
    4. GPA for all degrees you have earned
    5. Titles of any theses you wrote for your degrees
    6. English language scores and test dates (IELTS, TOEFL iBT, or PTE)
    7. Full citations for any academic publications, professional publications, research reports, or working papers you have written or co-authored (with links if available)
    8. The names, titles, institutions, and institutional email addresses of two recommenders
  2. Documents you must have ready to upload (maximum file size is 4 mb):
    1. Curriculum Vitae [pdf or Word]
    2. KTP [pdf or jpg]
    3. Passport - name and photo page only [pdf or jpg]
    4. University transcript for each degree (not the diploma) [pdf or jpg]
    5. English exam score certificates [pdf or jpg]
    6. Essay 1: Statement of Purpose [pdf or Word]
    7. Essay 2: Research Statement [pdf or Word]
    8. Essay 3: Intellectual Influences [pdf or Word]
    9. Analytical Writing Sample [pdf or Word]


Provide as much of the requested information as possible. Only leave blank areas if they do not apply to you. All other areas must be filled in for your application to be complete.

* Mandatory to be filled in

A. Personal Information

  1. *Name: This scholarship involves international flights and immigration, and data like your name must be accurate. Enter your name exactly as it appears on your passport. If you have no passport, enter your name exactly as it appears on your KTP. And when you get your passport, make sure your name is exactly as it appears on your KTP. For purposes of immigration, admission to SOAS, and on your degree, the name on your passport will be used.
  2. Passport Number: You do not need a valid passport to submit your application. However, you must have a valid passport to depart for your studies in the UK. If you have a passport, enter the number and the expiration date.
  3. *NIK Number: Already clear.
  4. *Home address where you currently are living: Already clear.
  5. *Phone: Provide your current cell phone number starting with the country code (e.g., +62) and tick the box if you receive WhatsApp messages at this number.
  6. *Birthday (DD/MM/YYYY) and Age: Already clear.
  7. *Citizenship: Already clear.
  8. *Please indicate the highest degree attained by your parents: Scroll through the options and select the one that best describes the educational level of each of your parents.
  9. *Upload your CV (pdf or Word): Already clear.
  10. *Upload KTP (pdf or jpg): Already clear.
  11. Upload your Passport (pdf or jpg): Already clear.
  12. *Current Position / Affiliation:
    1. Name and address of the place where you now work, study, or are affiliated.
    2. Title or position: Already clear.
    3. Year you started: Already clear.
    4. Briefly describe what you do in this role. If you are working, tell us what you do. If you are studying, explain your current studies and when you expect to graduate. If you are not currently working or studying, mention what you are doing now.
    5. Name and title of your direct supervisor: Already clear.
    6. Supervisor's email address: Already clear.

B. Educational Information (provide for all degrees you have earned)

  1. *University or College (BA / S1)
    1. University or College: Already clear.
    2. Year of Graduation: Already clear.
    3. GPA: Already clear.
    4. Thesis title (if any). Tell us your thesis title in English. If it was written in Indonesian, provide the original title also.
    5. Thesis advisor (if any): Already clear.
    6. University Transcript: Already clear.
  2. University or College (MA / S2)
    1. University or College: Already clear.
    2. Year of Graduation: Already clear.
    3. GPA: Already clear.
    4. Thesis title (if any). Tell us your thesis title in English. If it was written in Indonesian, provide the original title also.
    5. Thesis advisor (if any): Already clear.
    6. University Transcript: Already clear.
  3. University or College (PhD / S3)
    1. University or College: Already clear.
    2. Year of Graduation: Already clear.
    3. GPA: Already clear.
    4. Thesis title (if any). Tell us your thesis title in English. If it was written in Indonesian, provide the original title also.
    5. Thesis advisor (if any): Already clear.
    6. University Transcript: Already clear.
  4. *Choose your English test: We prefer TOEFL iBT or IELTS language scores. If you took a different English exam, enter your score(s) in the areas provided. Your scores should be for exams taken on or after September 1, 2024. If your scores are out of date, retake the exam immediately.
  5. Academic Publications (provide full citations and include any co-authors): This refers to any academic journal articles or books you may have written. If you have links to the publications, provide those also. If the materials were published in Indonesian, also provide an English translation of the title.
  6. Professional and other Publications (provide titles, years, other descriptive information): If you have any non-academic writings, list those here and provide any available links. This can include magazine, opinion, and blog publications that are academic-analytical in nature. If the materials were published in Indonesian, also provide an English translation of the title.
  7. Research Reports or Working Papers (provide titles, years, and other descriptive information): If you were the author (or co-author) of any reports or working papers (perhaps for an NGO or a consulting firm), list those writings here and provide any available links. If the materials were written in Indonesian, also provide an English translation of the title.

C. Statements and Essays

  1. *Statement of Purpose
    (Maximum 1,000 words). Upload your statement as a Word document or PDF. Explain why you want to pursue a doctoral degree in economics and policy. Share with us what your primary motivations are, and what you want to do with your degree. We want to understand why you are pursuing this educational opportunity at this stage in your life. Do you see yourself in the future as a publishing and teaching research scholar at a university institute, a policy advisor, or more of a government policymaker in a ministry?
  2. *Research Statement
    (Maximum 1,000 words). Upload your statement as a Word document or PDF. What analytical issues or questions interest you most? What area(s) would likely be your primary focus of study and research? Are there particular articles or books on this topic you would engage analytically? Describe the kind of research you would conduct. This essay tells us about your current ideas. What you say here will not lock you into a particular topic for a dissertation. You will likely revise your research plan as a result of the courses you take and interactions with faculty advisors. The main point for us at this stage is to understand the kinds of projects and questions you view as important to be investigated and answered.
  3. *Intellectual Influences
    (Maximum 500 words). Upload this essay as a Word document or PDF. What book, article, scholar, or author has had the greatest influence on you? What was it that impressed you most about this writing or person? This essay helps us understand your intellectual development and trajectory, and the kinds of scholarly work you value most, and why.
  4. *Analytical Writing Sample
    Upload a document that shows your analytical and writing skills. It can be something published or unpublished, but it should be a polished piece of writing. You should be the sole author of the piece.
  5. *Recommendations
    Provide the name, title, institution, and institutional email (such as university, business, or institute) of your two recommenders in the spaces provided. Do not provide free email addresses (such as gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc). At least one of them should be academic references. You should notify your recommenders immediately that you need a reference. Later when you complete your application form and click SUBMIT, an email will be sent automatically from ISRSF to your recommenders with an upload link for them to send their letters directly to ISRSF. The deadline for submitting the recommendation letters is January 31, 2025. If ISRSF has not received your letters by that date, we will inform you by email to remind your recommenders.

 Click here to START the application form

(Make sure you have everything on the CHECKLIST above first!)